Walt Disney Animation Studios is a brand that really needs no introduction. It changed the way that look at art let alone cinema, and is still going strong since its inception almost a century ago. And in 1937, the groundbreaking animation studio presented us with their first movie, Snow White and the Seven Dwarves. At the end of 2020, I decided to binge watch 44 different Disney Movies and rank them all, but for this list I'm gonna rank the Top 10. If there's any that I missed, and any that you would personally put in your Top 10, leave a comment down below. But, here's my personal Top 10 Disney Hand Drawn Animation Movies.

Released in 1953, Peter Pan was a classic film that really tackled the idea of never wanting to grow up. The imaginative world that they created for Neverland is a perfect paradise for any child. Peter Pan himself is also a great protagonist for this film as well. A very brash and cocky boy, who eventually meets Wendy who is a mothering older sister, who brings a lot to every scene she's a part of. Tinkerbell is an interesting character as well. Her sub plot of her being a jealous person over Wendy, and then trying to fix everything was a really nice touch to the film, and there's a reason Disney uses her a lot in their marketing. The best character in the movie though is Captain Hook. Every scene he's in has my full attention every time, especially the scenes with him and the crocodile. Ironically though, the reason why it's not higher on this list, is because some of the scenes in this movie haven't aged well. Whether it be some of the animation kinda looking creepy at the time for no explainable reason, or the Native Americans in the middle of the film, there were scenes in the film that felt a little off, and just feel kind of awkward to watch now. But, the movie is still able to reel itself into the #10 spot, hook, line, and sinker.

It would feel awkward to have a Top 10 Disney Movie list that didn't include the movie that started The Golden Era of Disney. The Little Mermaid's mix of Computer Generated Animation mixed with Hand Drawn Animation really changed how we watch animated films today. Based on the Hans Christian Anderson book of the same name, The Little Mermaid is a fascinating tale of someone who wants to experience life on land. The soundtrack is amazingly catchy, the side characters are excellent, and Ursula is an amazing villain with understandable motivations. An underrated pro of this movie as well is the comedy as well, especially with the Chef Louis scene. The only nitpick I can really fault it for is the progression of Ariel. Her character progression doesn't feel it goes anywhere, or there isn't a massive consequence or sacrifice in her actions towards the end, rendering any kind of lesson learned kind of meaningless, and just getting everything she wants without any kind of growth or change. But,even then it's a fantastic love story, and it's definitely a movie you should go see.

Everyone has that movie in their lives that they watch say "Holy S***". Those were definitely the 2 words I said the first time I ever watched Bambi. The tale of a boy coming of age is a tale that has been done so many times over the years, but most movies haven't done as spectacularly as Bambi has. The animation was beautiful and gorgeous even for 1942. Every side character is memorable from Thumper to Flower to Faline, even the parents. Bambi also introduced one of the darkest scenes in Disney history that even ones who haven’t seen the movie talk about it. The atmosphere that Disney creates makes you feel what they want you to feel in each scene, including that particular scene. It’s a roller coaster of emotions that felt a little short, but it’s definitely a movie I grew fond of over the years.

There’s definitely a strong case for a lot of people to love The Lion King enough that it’s easily in their Top 10. It’s a well written story about a boy who runs away from his responsibilities that you feel every scene throughout the entire film. Simba and Mufasa are probably my all time favorite father-son duos, Scar is an amazing villain, Timon and Pumba are great comedic relief, Nala and her growth over the years was interesting as well, and you love every song that’s offered on the soundtrack. And it's hard to talk about this movie, without talking about the scene that probably made everyone in the theater cry when they first saw it. So what’s really stopping it from being #1 on the list? Well, honestly the lesson learned. The idea of realizing that nothing really matters as long as you learn from your mistakes and taking responsibility for it is such a powerful message, it just felt poorly mishandled in that last 20 minutes of the movie. But, even with that in mind, there’s no mistaking the culture changing phenomenon that was the king of the box office for quite some time for Disney.

Back when I did the Disney Binge, it was hard to believe that I'd never seen a single scene from this movie. Honestly, where has this movie been all my life? Pinocchio was an extremely dark tale of a young puppet wanting to become a real boy. Every scene from this movie was a wild ride and honestly shows how someone who doesn’t understand right from wrong can easily be manipulated into doing anything unethical. Geppetto and Jiminy Cricket are charming characters throughout the film, and you definitely got a feel for what their struggles were. Honest John, even though he wasn’t in the film that much, really played the role of the manipulator well. Whenever he had a conniving scheme to use Pinocchio to make a quick buck, his cunning personality really shows how great his marketing strategy is. I really appreciate how extremely the dark this movie is, and I’d be lying if I said it didn’t deserve a spot on this list.

Mulan is definitely a film that has definitely gotten a lot of love over the years and for good reason. The idea of a woman going off to fight in a war, despite not knowing what she’s doing, only because she wanted to save her father’s life is a story that everyone can relate to, and gives everyone in the audience the feeling that they could do this too if they were in this situation. Mushu is a pretty fun side character, the soundtrack is fun, and when she joins the army, it’s some of my favorite moments ever in a Disney film. Although some people have made the argument that Shan Yu is a pretty weak villain, I always found him to be extremely intimidating. He’s the kind of villain that if you glanced at him, you’d probably run away immediately because he looks like he would kill you no questions asked. The whole movie scene from scene is extremely well paced, fun, empowering, and definitely deserves the honor of being in the top 5.

When it comes to cinema there are films that are meant to tell a compelling story through its dialogue. But, there are some that tell a story by its visual representation. Fantasia is that film. Fantasia is a visual splendor that is unique and probably will never be replicated to the great effect it did for the time. Especially knowing they've tried recreating this experience twice in its 80 years of existence. With the support of the Philadelphia Orchestra, Fantasia gives a visual representation that conveys a certain emotion that creates a certain balance between the 2 art forms. Every story whether it be The Sorcerer's Apprentice, Rite of Spring, even Night on Bald Mountain is a breathtaking experience that has a unique feel to it that you don’t necessarily feel in any other kind of movie. Although it’s not a film that I would recommend for just anyone to watch, I definitely would give a watch if you are an extreme fan of art and want to experience something completely unparalleled.

Let's spill the tea when it comes to this film. Although this film cherry picks a little bit through the famous Lewis Carroll book, Alice in Wonderland is one of Disney's most imaginative stories ever displayed on screen. The idea of a logical human being trapped in a world where logic is completely non-existent brings such a ludicrous yet clever concept to the world of cinema. Along with Alice there are so many colorful and memorable characters she comes along the way. The Mad Hatter, Cheshire Cat, Caterpillar, Tweedle Dee and Dum, March Hare, and much much more. They offer so much to this imaginative world that it makes you want to rewatch every scene over and over again because you’re so fascinated with this imaginative world. The Queen of Hearts is such a fun villain in this movie. She’s so wild, obnoxious, self absorbed, impatient, and ill tempered, that it really feeds into this illogical world and makes sense why she’s in charge. The whole journey you can honestly put yourself in her shoes because you’re trying to understand how the world works around you, which is pretty relatable today. It’s a timeless classic that I’ll never dream of taking off that Top 3.

Considered to be the greatest performance the late great Robin Williams has ever put on, Aladdin deserves a lot of credit for its over the top story and animation style. It’s a movie that knows exactly how to make you feel in every scene. Aladdin and Jasmine are the most relatable couple that I’ve seen in any Disney movie. Aladdin just wants recognition and was willing to risk anything not just to survive but to be with the woman he fell in love with despite knowing what his social status is. Jasmine is an independent woman who wants to feel like a person and not just some trophy wife. Mix that with a power hungry sorcerer, and a genie who broke more walls than a Deadpool Comic Book and you got a match made in heaven. You can definitely make an argument that there are a couple inconsistencies that make certain situations feel convenient, and that probably is the main reason why it didn’t make it to the #1 spot on this list. As an adventure movie though, it’s absolutely amazing. This whole new world that was shared in this movie is an entertaining experience that you could honestly replay over and over again.

It’s hard to think of a movie that consists of fewer flaws than this movie. Beauty and the Beast where every scene, character, and plot device was given the correct amount of time. It’s the perfect love story of a woman who wanted to explore the world and not wanting to be in accordance with the social norm, and a man who’s been isolated from society due to mistakes he unfortunately made in the past. It’s the most natural love story that can be found in any movie let alone a Disney movie. Gaston is also probably one of the greatest villains to ever be in a Disney movie as well. He’s such a pompous adonis, who’s arrogant enough to believe he’s everything that Belle wants and needs, and concocting a despicable and desperate plan to try and get her to marry him articulates a pretty good example of what a bad guy really is. Side characters are amazing, the town is beautiful to look at, the castle is marvelous, and every scene was not just spoken but drawn with so much heart and passion, you feel every scene in this movie. And that is why Beauty and the Beast is the greatest Disney Hand Drawn Film of All Time!
Do you agree with the list? Make sure you leave a like and comment of any films you would've added to the list, and a possible argument of why you think it belong in the Top 10! Thank you for you reading, and I'll see you next time!