Snyderverse has had a bit of a bumpy road as of late hasn’t it? Starting back in 2013, Zack Snyder has been in charge of creating a universe for the DC Universe the same way Marvel created the MCU. Starting off with Man of Steel back in 2013, the movies have been flopping around from really good like Wonder Woman, to really bad like Batman vs Superman, and somewhere in the middle like Aquaman. But, the main goal in mind was for them to make one big ambitious movie where all of our favorite heroes come together to face a common enemy just like MCU did successfully with The Avengers back in 2012. Unfortunately though, Zack Snyder stepped down from directing duties due to a death in the family, and putting Joss Whedon in charge of the post production. Which led to a couple of months of reshoots, and by 2017, Justice League was finally gracing us on the big screen. Boy did it disappoint! The movie received mixed reviews from critics and fans, and even won an award for “Biggest Disappointment of the Year” from The Golden Schmoes Awards later that year. In 2019, Zack Snyder confirmed that there was a director’s cut of the film, and with HBO releasing its streaming service and needing films to put on its platform, the stars aligned for it to be released for the world to see. But how much different is this film compared to the theatrical release? And where does this film compare with what MCU has done with The Avengers? Let’s Dive In.
The Avengers was a lightning in a bottle experience that we all look back on fondly. The idea of all our favorite heroes working together to defend Earth from a common threat worked so well, especially with how loveable all of the characters were in the series. Snyder Cut’s character, they’re really well established as well. Within this timeline, Aquaman, The Flash, and Cyborg didn’t really have a movie to establish who they really were. Even though Aquaman was a little less light hearted and charming as he was in the 2017 version, you still felt for why he doesn’t feel like he belongs in Atlantis, but was willing to protect it knowing he needed to in order to save the world. Cyborg’s story is very well done. It was one of the brightest spots in this film, and it really hammered home his backstory, what his ties were to the mother box, and why he was the key to saving the world. The Flash, also very well done. The 2017 film made home more of a lame comedic relief character whose jokes fell flat most of the time. Snyder Cut, they trimmed some of the really bad jokes in the movie, and replaced it with some really cool slow motion scenes kind of like the “Time in a Bottle” scene from X-Men: Days of Future Past. Wonder Woman, Batman, and even Superman also had better motivations and story progression in the film compared to the 2017 film. Superman’s inclusion towards the end of the film was when the movie really picked up and had me at the edge of my seat.
The premise of The Avengers movie was simple, the main baddy has an army from a power being in space to invade earth while he collects some of the most powerful artifacts, and Earth’s mightiest heroes finally come together for the first time to stop them from invading Earth and destroying the planet.. Snyder Cut has basically the same premise of the film, but it was handled far better than I would have anticipated. This time, Steppenwolf is a conquering alien who commands Darkseid’s army, and to establish how much of a threat he is he takes down The Amazons, The Atlanteans, and even handled himself well against The Justice League in the opening half of the film. You believed that he was a villain that was going to be hard to take down without Superman. Which makes you wonder that if they continue this Universe after the positive reception of this film, how powerful will Darkseid be against the Justice League, especially if you had to compare it to Thanos in Infinity War and Endgame.
So where does this movie rank for me personally? Honestly, I would argue it’s better than the 1st 2 Avengers movies. The first Avengers was an amazing experience when it first came out, but hasn’t aged well considering how weak the story is. Age of Ultron was a movie that seemed to have very well done character development, but seemed to fall flat in the experience category and some of the new characters and Ulton seemed fleshed out, and didn’t really get established until future MCU films. Snyder Cut, did well in every single one of these categories. New characters were well established, the story made sense and progressed steadily, the villain was very well portrayed, and when the heroes finally came together by the climax you were on the edge of your seat just waiting to find out what was going to happen. I really want them to restore the Snyderverse to see what Darkseid vs Justice League would look like, because Zack Snyder’s cut of this movie did absolute Justice to the franchise.
What did you guys think of Justice League: Snyder Cut? Make sure you guys leave a like and a comment below!!!